
Monday, February 20, 2012

Say Hello To Joe Budden's Newest Girl!

If you follow Joe Budden on twitter like I do, you always see him tweet about his "Yah'mean," and if you're like me, you want to know who she is!

He has posted pictures of her:

He's even showed us that he showered her with love on Valentine's Day:

But every time somebody would ask who she was, he would simply say, his "Yah'mean."

Well, we asked around and it turns out, Joey is dating this chick, she goes by Dazzle_J on Twitter:

As you can see, she has the booty requirement that all of his past girls have had, but unlike some, this girl has a legit job and seems to have her head on straight.

And along with the booty, she has beauty:

Salute to Mr. Budden for picking a good one this time around! 


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