
Thursday, December 8, 2011

Why Was ANTM's Angelea Preston Disqualified?

So if you watched America's Next Top Model All Stars last night, you were confused when Angelea didn't show up to the final panel judging (at least I know I was).

After some searching and phone calls, I found out why she was disqualified.

According to Pookie and them, Angelea opened her big, hood ass mouth on her Facebook and let it be known that she, Allison, and Lisa were the final three.  She also let it slip that she won.

So why was Lisa picked as the winner?

Well, like all reality TV shows, participants have a contract that they sign that states they cannot in any way discuss what was filmed until AFTER it has been aired.  Since Angelea went against her contract obligations, she was disqualified.

Since ANTM already filmed her winning, they had to fly Lisa and Allison back to LA and reshoot the final panel with Lisa winning.

I only have one thing to say about this, isn't Angelea supposed to be from the hood?  Shouldn't she know how to keep her mouth shut?


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