
Saturday, December 17, 2011

Are Tiger Woods & Elin Nordegren On The Mend?

According to People Magazine they are!

Per People Mag,

It seems Tiger Woods and his estranged wife Elin Nordegren are trying to move forward together – they were recently spotted getting very close again near their Florida home. 
“They were hugging and they were kissing right out in the open,” local witnesses told People . “Elin is certainly a lot more relaxed these days and so is he. People in the neighborhood are getting used to seeing them together again.” 
Though Elin hasn’t moved back into the home the couple shared until Tiger’s scandal broke, sources close to the couple say it is only a matter of time. 
The source said. “He’s winning her back. They have been walking the beach holding hands daily."
They are apparently hoping to save the marriage for the sake of their two young children.
“Plus, she still is in love with him, after everything he’s done,” the source said.
Word on the street is, Elin didn't even want to divorce Tiger anyway, and only did so because of the media scrutiny.  Time will tell if they are back together, once we start seeing pictures of them in public.


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